Monday, March 21, 2005

Winter all over again

Arrgh! Where did the spring go? Seriously, I am all for changes and for things not remaining the same all the time, but another few days of balmy 20-something degrees (even if it meant that garbage cans would begin to smell - how does that happen so quickly?!?) would have been appreciated. Hmmmm...

Well, in anticipation of glorious weather I ventured to the local golf course and found that about 5000 other Londoners had done the exact same thing. The wait at the 1st tee was a painful hour spent watching golfers crawling out from their winter hybernation to find that it is actually still winter. Disgusted with the whole situation many 1st tee-shots refused to travel more than a few yards. Mine included... And to top it all of it was windy and now really starting to get cold.

Oh well. One doesn't quit a golf round. Well, at least not on the 1st tee anyway. On we went. 5 1/2 painful hours later we were in the club house with a final score of 86 (on a par 70 course - argh!)

Spring - pleeeze come back!



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