Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Winners and Loosers

Well, the Reumert Awards are all over and done with and I am sad to say that Grease did not win the coveted price. It, instead, went to Nørrebros Teater for their production of "Sommer I Tyrol" - a classic Danish musical which apparently have been bringing the houses down overthere. Hopefully I'll get a chance to see it when I start rehearsals in Copenhagen next week. What could possibly have beaten us?!? I gotta see THAT!

Our performance of Greased Lightning went very well and ended the awards ceremony on a very high note. Literally... Unfortunately, due to the nature of live television, the producers started running credits halfway through the number - the bastards! So is was only the audience at the Royal National Theatre who got the benefit of the grand finale. But hey ho, the TV audiences got a taster so now they'll just have to buy a ticket - right?


Friday, April 01, 2005

New job!

Yieeehaarh! Another job just rolled in!

Looks like your's truly will once again be part of a band. More about this later... I will keep you all hanging on the edge of your seats for this one.

Just on my way out of the door to enjoy the spring. Friday night in London - out on the town, definitely. Not bad. ;o)
