Monday, March 28, 2005

I've decided that we actors in London should have a forum and a noticeboard where we can voice our opinions, ask each questions, check out the latest auditions and rumours and geneally communicate with everyone through the web.

Thus, I have created The Green Room - for now it is just in its trial period, but I need people to sign up to it and join the forums, the debates and to let me know what they think of the site and what they would like to see on it.

So please: click here to go to



Monday, March 21, 2005

Winter all over again

Arrgh! Where did the spring go? Seriously, I am all for changes and for things not remaining the same all the time, but another few days of balmy 20-something degrees (even if it meant that garbage cans would begin to smell - how does that happen so quickly?!?) would have been appreciated. Hmmmm...

Well, in anticipation of glorious weather I ventured to the local golf course and found that about 5000 other Londoners had done the exact same thing. The wait at the 1st tee was a painful hour spent watching golfers crawling out from their winter hybernation to find that it is actually still winter. Disgusted with the whole situation many 1st tee-shots refused to travel more than a few yards. Mine included... And to top it all of it was windy and now really starting to get cold.

Oh well. One doesn't quit a golf round. Well, at least not on the 1st tee anyway. On we went. 5 1/2 painful hours later we were in the club house with a final score of 86 (on a par 70 course - argh!)

Spring - pleeeze come back!


Grease nominated for a Reumert

Looks like it's official then:

Grease has been nominated for a Reumert (Danish equivalents of the Olivier, Tony etc) for best Musical.



Saturday, March 19, 2005

Hot & Cold

Spring has finally arrived in London!!

This week I had short trip to Denmark to sing a few songs at Bonusbanken's anual stock holders conference. I sang a few songs and it all went very well.

At the same time I got to see my family which was nice. And my Nan got the flowers I got at the gig - as always

It was freezing in Denmark though so coming back to London to find 18 degrees and sunny skies felt like going on holiday!

So I won't spend anymore time writing today. I'm gonna go and enjoy the sunshine!


Sunday, March 13, 2005

Well, Assassins is all over. An absolutely amazing...

Well, Assassins is all over. An absolutely amazing experience, which you can read all about in my rehearsal diary.

Assassins Rehearsal Diary

I hope to be able to do another prison production at some point...


Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Assassins is going well - I have started a rehears...

Assassins is going well - I have started a rehearsal diary. Feel free to have a look.

Assassins Rehearsal Diary
