Thursday, July 07, 2005

Bombs in London

I am writing now just over an hour after a series of bombs went off in central London. Luckily I was no where near the city centre at that point, but safe in my flat. This is just to everyone I know and to anyone interested that I am ok.
So far the police are talking about 20 dead in the blasts - what remains now is to hear who will claim responsibility for this horrible act of terror.


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

We won!

We won!! Yes!! London won the Olympics bid for 2012. How brilliant is that? Trafalger Square was one big party today. Love it! I know there will be loads of Londoners moaning about the costs of winning the bid, but I, for one, will be more than happy to pay the couple of extra pounds my council tax bill will increase by getting this amazing event to the city. I say well done!
